These tunnels lead away from the sett.

The signpost reads:

Organizations, Clubs, and Societies.

Educational, Government and Informational.

Folklore, Stories, Mythology, and Religion.

Fellow Cyberbadgers - Personal Home Pages.

Badger Sign - What's Left.

Back to the entrance.

Organizations, Clubs, and Societies.
Animal Correctional Facilities (a.k.a. Zoos):
The California Living Museum. CALM is a zoo, botanical garden, and natural history museum. CALM keeps many animals which can not be returned to the wild for one reason or another. I strongly suggest you visit their site, and perhaps adopt an animal of your very own. What kind of animal? Oh, I'm sure any of the animals at CALM would benefit from your donation...THE BADGER! ALRIGHT? ADOPT THEIR BADGER! (Tell 'em Bucky sent ya.)

It was incredibly generous of the Saskatoon Zoo Society to place their information for the badger directly underneath their information on the prairie dog. It's no wonder their badgers are so plump.

(Under construction until 4/26/03. My new Web strategy to prevent "link rot" is to point to pages which don't exist yet. Can you think of any other way to keep this many links current?) The Facility for Animal Care and Treatment. This page wins the award for the most coquettish badger picture. A project at California State University, Bakersfield, FACT provides help to wildlife by rescuing and treating injured animals and returning them to their natural habitat.

The Western Wildlife Conservancy. Preserving and protecting native wildlife through research, education, and advocacy. Only one badger photo in their gallery, but then these guys sound like a pretty gentle bunch: when you don't believe in hunting or trapping, but instead in living peacefully with the animals...well, has anyone informed the badgers about this? They may not have been able to get close enough to take more than one picture!

The Open Directory Project. An ultimately doomed attempt to create a definitive catalog of all the stuff on the Web. Yes, the whole World Wide Web. They do have a decent page of badger links though, including one back here.

International Organizations:
The Johannesburg Zoological Gardens page for the African honey badger. I'll let them tell you about the honey badger. He sure does look a lot like one of our less-popular cousins though, doesn't he? Think Pepe Le ---.

The National Federation of Badger Groups. England's group of groups looking after badgers. Read on. There are an astounding number of badger protection societies on the other side of the pond.

The League Against Cruel Sports. Please join! These good people protect our gentle European cousins from evil badger-baiters. American badgers, of course, are less civilized; they kick butt when hassled.

South Yorkshire Badger Group. More human intervention on behalf of the meek British badger. My, they sure do need a lot of help, don't they? Maybe we could start a lend-lease program for badgers. Nah...then they would have to start forming societies to protect humans!

The Mammal Society. Promoting the interests of mammals throughout the British Isles and elsewhere. Also don't forget to check out their FAQ on the European Badger. Oh, and the icon is a very tiny picture of a very tiny part of a very big whale, in case you were interested.

The Hastings Badger Protection Society. A society dedicated to educating the public and protecting the badger. I was most impressed by their 24-hour badger help line. "The Society has facilities for educational lectures, Slideshows, and Field Demonstrations, for Badger protection, and welfare."

"Protecting the welfare of Scotland's badgers, promoting the conservation of their natural habitats, and providing information to the public to encourage tolerance and appreciation of badgers. Scottish Badgers is an umbrella organisation, bringing together all the local badger groups within Scotland, for the purpose of standardising procedures and liaising with statutory authorities when necessary."

Educational, Government and Informational.
Institutions of higher learning:
The University of Minnesota field Guide to the Prairie. Their badger is shown in its most natural state: having a snack! Otherwise very sparse.

The Natural Science Research Laboratory, a division of the Museum of Texas Tech University. I've gotta ask: are the badgers bigger in Texas? This is a good site, if'n yer a Texan, because there is a quite-detailed population distribution map.

The Burke Museum of the University of Washington. Very sparse badger entry, but it does have a population distribution map of North America. (What? Texas wasn't enough?)

From the Illinois State Academy of Science, a detailed study on the distribution of badgers in Illinois. (In .PDF format.)

The University of Kansas' Mammals list. No Java or Flash here. Very straightforward text and graphics. The reason I included this page is because the photo is of a different sub-species of badger.

The University of New Mexico's Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research Program exists to better understand Biome Transition Zone structure. Better understand it? Well, I'm certain I couldn't understand it any worse. Adequate badger page, but I think their photo was taken at the Henry Vilas Park Zoo in Madison, Wisconsin.

Southern Oregon University Library's FAQ on the North American Badger. A bit dry, but essentially accurate (despite the fact that is says nothing about our penchant for Dolly Madison products).

The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology's Animal Diversity Web. The Animal Diversity Web is a collection of pictures and information about animals. This would be an otherwise dry and unspectacular page except that, in addition to the North American badger, they have a Burmese Ferret Badger, an Indonesian Stink Badger, an African Honey Badger, and our friend, the Eurasian Badger. (Alas, no pictures.) All those badgers in one place just can't be safe!

Colorado State University's "Sights and Sounds of the Prairie". A bit Spartan, but included here because the have a recording of badgers. (Maybe you've noticed a theme here?) Badger sounds are particularly hard to come by. After all, they're probably the last sound a naturalist with a tape recorder hears. The very last.

Never let it be said that I'm not thorough. Since 1946, they've only spotted four badgers in Pennsylvania, but we've got a map for you. Thanks to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History for the Mammals of Pennsylvania site.

Official government sites:
The State of Wisconsin. An index of the departments and services available in the human bureaucracy that governs the "Badger State." A rather testy note about that moniker: Wisconsin is called the Badger State because of the early mining industry, and Scottish immigrants probably had Meles Meles in mind to boot! (British badgers dig labyrinthine setts, more closely resembling the many tunnels of a lead mine.) The much-misunderstood badger gets no better press in Wisconsin for being its mascot. Caricatures of "Bucky" abound, but there isn't a plush badger to be found in the state. (Do I resent this? Nooooo.) At least there's a pretty good article from Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine.

Wistravel dot com. You'll find a better article here on how the badger became the state animal. Along with a description of the state flower, fossil, soil, etc.. (Yes, they have a state soil.)

The Northern Prarie Science Center, part of the U.S. Geological Survey. (The human experts on rocks.) This site emphasizes topics and data pertinent to the North American Great Plains. Their badger page is nothing to write home about, but the photo of a radio-collared badger is amazing. Can you imagine the poor devil who had to "bell" a badger? Darned shame the badger probably scraped it off on a rock three minutes later.

This is an article from the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. (The human experts on dirt.) They will tell you why badgers are important. Well, why all burrowing animals are important, anyway.

Now its the Forestry service's badger information. (The human experts on trees.) There's more information here than appears at first glance, but absolutely no pictures.

And, finally, the U.S. Department of transportation, Federal Highway Administration. (The human experts on roadkill.) Their "Critter Crossings" purports to link habitats and reduce roadkill. They've certainly got our vote. A badger may be able to face down a bear, but he's still vulnerable to a set of Double-Eagles.

California Department of Fish and Game Bay-Delta and Special Water Projects Division. Try and fit that on a business card! Despite the lengthy title, and conservative look of their Web site, they're aces in my book. According to them, badgers are a "Species of Special Concern". What a bunch of great guys.

Other educational sites:
This is apparently our competitor. Until the latest refurbishment here, we didn't know we had a competitor. (Badgers do live underground, after all.) We welcome to the Web the second (of only two) sites dedicated to the North American badger. We're sure we'll get along fine. After all, badgers are very friendly and neighborly, right? Who's got the better site? Only you can say. By the way, have you been going to the gym? You look fabulous.

Steve Jackson's Brockwatch Badger Pages. The pick of the litter. This is the best Meles page I've yet to find on the Web. An outstanding page, it is well organized, professionally designed, and meticulously informative. Steve, you need to get out more and start meeting people.

The Other Badger Page. This site ( is where all my friends keep ending up when they type my URL wrong. I've got to account for at least half the hits on his counter. This is the storefront for a Web design firm. The home page is animated. Really animated. Much as a six-year-old is animated after four bowls of "Chocolate Frosted Sugar Blams". Sheesh! Did I mention their home page is animated?

O.K., this is a weird one. "De Loy Roberts' Animal Skull Collection." I feel obliged to include a link to a badger skull, but I'm certainly not going to put any thought into Mr. Roberts' motivation for maintaining this collection. Let sleeping badgers lie. Or rather, in this case, rest in peace.

Instead of just some guy with a collection of skulls, it's the National Science Foundation Digital Library at the University of Texas at Austin. And instead of a photo of a lacquered skull, it's X-Ray CT scans, complete with 3-D quicktime "slice movies". Nope, it's still weird.

Comparative Mammalian Brain Collections. As long as we're looking at bare naked badger noggins, we might as well pop the hood and take a look inside. That's right, there's actually a site with badger brains! Put down your lunch before following these links. (Note that the planet-sized portion of a badger's brain which extends into hyperspace is not shown.)

The BBC's 24-hour badger-cam. Go here to see British badgers frolicking. Best chance for seeing actual frolicking is at dawn and dusk, Greenwich Mean Time, or immediately after English World Cup victories. ;)

Folklore, Stories, Mythology, and Religion.
First American sites:
Singing Feather. An excellent First American web page. The nation of the author is Cherokee I believe, but many nations are represented. According to this story, the badger is the first animal to enter Heaven. We're not sure how we feel about his honor.

Native American Trickster Tales. Well, this confirms it. The badger introduced death to the world. That darned coyote again. We're going to find a particular roadrunner and get a few tips.

Shamanism - Working with animal spirits. Although I'm not quite sure which of the 500 nations contributed "giraffe wisdom", you'll be quite impressed (and probably justified and smug) by badger's wisdom.

Lady in Black's Animal Spirits. It appears that they have a pair of badgers which need adopting. No badger in the "spirit animal pages" yet though. I predict persistent and mysterious foundation problems in the Lady in Black's house until one appears.

The Realm of Wolfhawe's Lady. The most comprehensive animal totem guide I've found. It's nice to see our badger getting a little respect in this section. You might want to activate your "pop-up stomper" before visiting. The ads are a bit rude.

One more totem page, because things like this should come in threes. I don't know why, I just makin' this stuff up as I go. Anyway, here is the badger totem. An excerpt from Animal Walk: Teachings from the Animal Kingdom for the Two-Leggeds.

Story sites:
Tanai the storyteller. Be sure to listen attentively as he relates the tale of Innkeeper Badger's Long Journey. Although properly flattering of badgers, it is a very sad story. "The Circle of Life", badger style.

The story of Old Silver Grizzle. The author and source of this story are forthcoming. All I know at this point, is that it comes from late nineteenth century Canada, and that it is a very sad story. Fairy tales only have a happy ending because they stop at "happily ever after". If you don't stop the story, eventually all the characters grow old and die. Nobody lives happily ever after. But that's just princes and princesses. This is a badger! This author definitely doesn't know when to stop a story.

The Teapot Badger. A Japanese folk tale of badgers and magic. Brief, but I recommend it (as would any good tanuki).

Cartoon sites:
Batman fights crime because criminals killed his parents. Spider-Man fights crime because he believes "with great power comes great responsibility". The Badger fights crime because he's full-on bat-flapping nuts! A different kind of super-hero, for a different kind of animal. Get 'em, Larry!

This is, compliments of "The Simpsons". This is embarrassing. Oh, sure, the site is embarrassing to badgers. But what is really embarrassing, is how funny I find it. It's just so damned funny. And, after you've toured The Simpson's version of the noble badger's dietary habits, check out our response.

Fellow Cyberbadgers - Personal Home Pages.
The home page of your gracious host. There's nothing about badgers here. There's no clue here which would suggest what drove him on this mad quest to bring badgers to the Internet. In fact, there's nothing to see here at all. Keep it moving, keep it moving.

Pat Bennett's home page: Cheshire Badgers. A faithful fan of Meles Meles. This is his repository for the wonderful badger-watching accounts we've enjoyed on the newgroup.

It's a badger with...a very odd home page. If we gave out awards, we'd have to make up a new category for this page. Hilarious photographs, witty text, and absolutely no detectable point. Definitely our kind of page.

The Badgers Den. A Renaissance fair in the Pacific Northwest. Ah, the days of yore: pestilence, famine, brutality. You'd have to be a badger to enjoy those times! I doubt any people did.

The Badger's Burrow. The badger-wise home of "furry" fiction. We may be aggressive, ferocious, even quick to anger, but it's important to know that BADGERS DON'T JUDGE!

Mr. Badger's Home Sett. A sparse page, but worth the visit if only for the "First Church of the Pop-Up Toaster".

Badger sign - what's left.
alt.animals.badgers. Our own little newsgroup. Sparsely populated, but makes up in quality what it lacks in quantity. Like all newsgroups, there's lots of Spam. The joke's on them: badgers love Spam! Only an omnivore could.

Home of Badger Balm. I've actually used this stuff. It's very nice. It probably works great on people, too.

Badger: Carved from solid rock. Their site proclaims "Classic Rock and Blues from one of the Northwest's Finest Bands". We listened to the free MP3 samples they've provided. They do not lie. These badgers rock. If you're in the Seattle area, check 'em out. Randy, guitarist for "Badger", wrote us that he "knows all 4 instruments". That'd be tuba, accordion, harmonica and "jug", right Randy? Ya, us Wisconsin badgers, we like da polka music dontcha know.

The soon-to-be-famous Norwegian power-pop band, Badger. Their banner says "Powerpop quintet Badger is based in Tromsų, Norway, and is possibly the northernmost powerpop band in the world!" "Possibly?" Are polar bears starting power-pop bands now? Just one more question: What the lutefisk is power-pop?

Badger-wear. A department of the University of Wisconsin Bookstore. This is where you go to get your "Bucky" clothes. Alas, there's not a single thing a badger could wear here. It's just so hard to find pants in "3-3/4 extra husky".

The Bay Area Digital GeoResource (B.A.D.G.E.R.): A Model for Public/Private Shared Access to Earth Science Data Over The Internet. Badgers know all about access to the earth; after all, it's where they keep their stuff.

Never has a more aptly named piece of equipment ever roamed the earth. It's the Bionic Badger!

Badger Equipment. "American Products Built Simply To Last." Since a badger can dig faster than three men with shovels, my math makes it about 32 badgers against one of these monsters. Place your bets!

In-Sink-Erator. We'll, we've just seen a rock crusher and an earth mover named after a badger. But a garbage disposal called the badger 5? We're definitely offended. We're not denying the accuracy of the metaphor, mind you. We're just offended.

It's the Great Lakes Car Ferry page or the Wisconsin Railroad Fan's site. Several great pictures of the car ferry "The Badger" here, but activate your "pop-up stomper". Don't forget to visit the "When" gallery, and listen to the song written specifically about this ship.

The Badger Army Ammunition Plant. Badgers with ammunition? Lord help us all.

Badger fire protection. O.K., this one probably has the least to do with badgers of any of our links, but I see these things everywhere. And while badgers generally nap through forest fires safely underground wondering "do I smell barbecue?", I thought these folks still deserved a link.

"The lee side, and a gentle slope. Good sod. We shall dig here." Our gracious hosts on the Web: HostWay.

Back to the entrance.